Fetiche Sequence Fundraiser / Levée de fonds – June 18

[La version française est plus bas]

A big thank you to Seb and Isabeau for hosting the ALCC/CCVA fundraiser at Fetiche Sequence.  We raised a total of $57.

Thank you to everyone who contributed, helped out, and took the time to talk with us and check out our literature.

It was a great place to promote open mindedness and create awareness for the Community Center!!!

S. Petal,
Executive Board


Un grand merci à Seb et Isabeau pour avoir accueilli la levée de fonds ALCC/CCVA au Fetiche Sequence. Nous avons ramassé un total de 57$.

Merci à tous ceux qui ont contribué, aidé et pris le temps de discuter avec nous ou de prendre connaissance de notre documentation.

C’était un excellent endroit pour faire la promotion de l’ouverture d’esprit et faire connaître le Centre communautaire

S. Petal,
Conseil d’administration
Traduit par:

Miss Natasha,
Anglais au Français Traductrice

Posted on June 19, 2010, in Events / Événements. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. moonchildkitty

    Yes it was a great view of the dance floor. You missed the hula hoop dancing girl though!

  2. Hula hoop dancing girl! No way… gotta go earlier next time.

  3. moonchildkitty

    Yes way! It was awesome and sexy all at the same time!

  4. I wrote that weeks ago while I was offline (I think at the airport) and then I forgot to send it:

    The spot for the ALCC fundraiser was a bit dark with the black ALCC info-cards almost camouflaged while they were lying there waiting for curious readers.

    Maybe one or two small battery powered LED lanterns would have been good.

    Anyway – the ALCC gets an “A” for effort again!

  5. Thank for your feedback Andy. The truth is that we’ve been experimenting with various lighting and other technical issues, to find the right balance for all the activities offered on the FS night.

    Up until last month there was absolutely NO lighting in the play area, smoke machines that were aimed directly into the play area, and no rules for safe play. We have already greatly improved many of the issues, but more remain.

    The hosts have been thinking seriously about possible removing the play area from the soiree but it’s a tough call. It’s the only event offering this type of public play within a regular party night and many of us want to keep it.

    We’ll have to see how things progress in the future. Then again, there’s many opportunities in Montreal to play. We have endless play parties everywhere… it’s really the PLAYERS themselves that make the true difference.

    – CA

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